Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Raspberry Vinegar - vegan, gluten free, & free of just about everything else

Raspberry Vinegar

Are you sensing a theme yet? Yes, I bought a lot of raspberries. Yes, Mr Official Taster and I have eaten a lot. Yes, we still have 1 little basket left. No, none have gotten any mold yet. Thank you fresh-picked-from-the-farmers'-market-berries. You're the best. 

Technically, maybe I shouldn't be posting this recipe quite yet, as my vinegar isn't quite finished doing it's thing. curing? pickling? Mom? However, I wanted to get it up now, at the height of summer, so that hopefully you too can make some. The most obvious (to me) use for it is in salad dressing; a burst of raspberry can only help everything a humdrum winter salad. But as I'm typing this, I remembering I have a cookie recipe saved in my giant binder that uses raspberry vinegar. I've always been too cheap to buy it at the store. Good thing I made this. And remembered about the recipe. I'll let you know when I get my act together and make it. 


It's so simple and so easy, and I envision impressed recipients come December. So go find a clean glass jar and some vinegar and make some of your own. Because you already have raspberries, don't you? (if not, shame on you, of course providing you're living where it's summer and they are available). 

If you look closely at the photo, you can kind of see some blue writing towards the top of the jar? That would be blue Sharpie. I labeled the jar with the date I set the mix to steeping(?) so that I'll know when my two weeks is up. Fun fact: sharpie washes right off of glass. 

Raspberry Vinegar - vegan, gluten free, & free of just about everything else

2 C (16 oz) white wine vinegar
1 C fresh raspberries, rinsed and rid of stray stems, leaves, and moldy bits

Combine raspberries and vinegar in a non-reactive container and seal with an airtight lid. (this basically describes a mason jar, though there are some other options) Make sure the mouth of the jar is wide enough to allow you to pour mixture out of. Place closed container in a cool, dark place for about 2 weeks. Mine's chillaxing in the cabinet with my spices. 

Pour mixture through a fine mesh sieve, lined with a cheesecloth if you have one, to strain out all bits of fruit. You're done! (it really is that easy)

Store vinegar in tightly sealed jars or bottles in a cool, dark place. It should last indefinitely. 


  1. When you buy berries, wash in 1 part cider or white vinegar to 10 parts water and you will kill any potential mold or bacteria.

    1. the *really* important question, though, is what verb? curing, pickling, steeping, something else?

    2. Steeping of course.

  2. I once made a batch of amazing truffles following a standard plain dark chocolate truffle recipe and adding a tablespoon of raspberry vinegar to the chocolate/cream mixture. So tasty.

    1. that sounds amazing. maybe I'll try that later this year :) thanks!


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