Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review

2011 has been quite a year. I became a barista, went to Hawaii, got a "real" job in the tech industry, acclimatized to a new city, got married, updated this blog, opened an Amazon shop, bought a new camera, threw a second party to celebrate the marriage, went on a honeymoon, moved to a new house, completed a 5K, and hosted Christmas for eight. oh yeah, and made cupcakes, admitted to using boxes occasionally, celebrated birthdays, canned, baked my way through 20 lbs of peaches, learned how to roast beets and make ice cream, had all sorts of pumpkin hijinks, and generally went through a lot of flour.

2012 is shaping up to be pretty eventful as well. Mr Official Taster has accepted a new job that's moving us to the San Francisco Bay Area. He starts on Tuesday, and we'll both be down there in a couple weeks. As an unabashed nester, moving is not how I want to start the year. Unfortunately, I'll also be moving away from two of my favorite people in the world.

In my head, I know this is the right choice- we're moving to a wonderful city, for a good and stable job, and closer to family (well, some of them. we have a lot). But the rest of me is less than thrilled with the decision. I worry about finding a place we love, find a job I at least like and will pay some bills, being lonely, getting lost, and finding a good dog park.

So thank you, dear readers, for providing a (usually) silent constant and pushing me to take on seemingly insurmountable tasks (see paragraph 1). Posting may be slim in early 2012, but I will try to both keep my chin up and provide you with some deliciousness.

Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful 2012!

Our fabulous photographer, Riz, is a former colleague of Mr Official Taster and I can not say enough good things about him (and his wife! she helped too). See more of his work here.

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