Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekend Reading

l'll have another bath, please

I should probably change the title of this post to Monday-morning-at-work-before-you're-ready-for-work Reading, but that doesn't quite roll off the tongue, does it? Besides, it's still the weekend! This was a weird week at Chez Sweets. We got home from an epic trip, my work schedule was all sorts of wonky, the delicate flower of a dog, Roomba, is still getting over being sick, and we have bunches of friends in town this weekend. Last night we had a few over for a dinner of barley risotto, salad, watermelon, and a yet-to-be-announced dessert.

Anywho, I hope you all had the weekend you wanted. Here's what I've found this week. What about you?

Is it fall where you are? Cardamom-Spiced Apple Butter sounds like a delicious way to celebrate

oh, sigh. Barilla pasta should be beyond embarrassed, and I won't be buying their products. It's 2013, people!

Erica over at Northwest Edible Life is giving away a stack of 6 books. Enter to win!

mmmmm...grape juice.

Karin's Lonely Places, which I accidentally found via google+ the other day. I really love this piece, but, full disclosure, she's my cousin. More full disclosure: if I didn't like it I wouldn't tell you about it. Even more full disclosure: she didn't know anyone could see it! Welcome to the interwebs, Karin

I don't have an occasion in mind for Raspberry Cordial, but I love the story behind it.

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