Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I apologize for the kinda-crappy cell phone photos here, but they're rather illustrative, don't you think?

As I mentioned, Mr Official Taster and I found a place to live, and over the weekend we moved in and made a large dent in the unpacking process with a lot of help from my parents. They just happened to be visiting this weekend, and I'm pretty sure seeing our move-in made them never, ever want to move out of their house.

The kitchen took some serious organizational work. I just did a rough calculation, and the kitchen (optimistically called a "galley kitchen") is about 30 square feet. When I figure out how to take pictures of it without renting a wide-angle lens, I will post some. Two people who like each other can be in there at the same time, but there's going to be a learning curve for those two people to figure out how to maneuver around together.

These guys have had quite a month, and, except for a couple vomit incidents, have done pretty well with all the changes. I have cooked two dinners now, and I went and got myself a library card today. I figured out that this is my fourth library card in five years. Mom, this is why I can never remember my account number.

All in all, this apartment is starting to be home, and I'll have a new recipe for you tomorrow.

I have one final appeal for you to please, take my survey! I really want to know what you think. It's anonymous, easy, and fast, and I dearly want to know what you like, don't like, want to see more of, and the like. So, go. Survey aweigh.


  1. Replies
    1. thank you! I'm at the unpacking phase where I'm kind of stuck. Not because there's nothing to do, but more, I think, because there's lots of weird things to do/find places for. Hopefully we can power through this weekend!


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