Friday, July 27, 2012

Simplest Tomato Salad - vegan & gluten free

Simple Tomato Salad

Lately, Mr Official Taster has been working late, like really late (12:30am last night), and leaving me to my own devices for dinner. In some ways it's really nice. I can eat exactly what I want when I want it, and no one will make disparaging or skeptical comments about those choices.

On nights when I dine alone, I usually go for super simple, barely cooked meals. In the summer, they tend to be dishes that celebrate the summer like open face avocado sandwiches, or pea pesto on bread, or fried potatoes with eggs and a corn+tomato scramble, and, always, when possible, fresh fruit or a crisp for dessert.

Simplest Tomato Salad

If you follow along on Instagram (@shortandsweets), you've seen my dinner last night. Fresh-from-the farmers'-market corn and an heirloom tomato salad, along with scrambled eggs and raspberries for dessert (I may have come home from the market with a 1/2 flat of raspberries). This tomato salad is barely a recipe, but it tastes fancy if you use good quality ingredients. This is another one straight from Mom, and it was a summertime classic growing up. I promise it's good.

Simplest Tomato Salad - vegan, gluten free, and free of practically everything else

large tomato(s), sliced
extra virgin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
salt & freshly ground black pepper
optional: if you want to get fancier, add some chopped fresh basil

If you're making this for more than one, make everyone's salad for them. It's not one conducive to family-sytle dining.

Arrange 3-5 slices of tomato on a salad plate. I used an heirloom tomato because it was so pretty, but any tasty kind will do, and you can use however many slices fir nicely on your plates. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar, then sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Garnish with fresh basil (if using).


  1. The basic tomato-on-a-plate salad is really hard to beat, isn't it? I could eat this all summer.

    1. it is! Yesterday was the first time in quite a while that my work schedule allowed me a farmers' market visit, so I was dumbstruck by summer. it was pretty great :)


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