a) there is a ton of information out there
b) anything I have to say you probably already know
c) you already do a lot of things right. Maybe today will give you the kick-in-the-pants to try some more
So, to that end, I've put together a few links for you to learn from, try, and pass along.
10 Ways to Make Earth Day Mean Something
How Green Are You?
Stop Getting Junk in the Mail!
Challenge Yourself/Your Team to Reduce Carbon Emissions
Recycle and Reuse to Reduce Packing Peanuts
Green Living
TerraCycle Recycles Trash into Cool Products
Make a Rain Garden
Create a Vertical Garden
Want fresh veggies? try a Farmers' Market or CSA
Join a Community Garden
Add your own in the comments! What sites should we know about??
From my architecture classmate Jordan. 6 minutes that really hit the (recycled content) nail on the head: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2010/04/building-a-greener-house.html