Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm baaa-aaack

I realize it's been a while since my last post. Like, a long while. Things were rather busy, and then really busy, and then I needed a minute to breathe and recover, and now, here I am. See it all started with a wedding I made cookies for (if you're a facebook fan, you may have heard about this wedding). There were 250 cookies to be baked, frosted, custom messaged and packaged. Luckily, my fabulous neighbors came over to help. Well, to be fair, the Most Glamorous 4-Year-Old I know didn't help so much as play with cookie cutters. Her mom, however, was a great help. Thank you!

Obviously, I took some pictures of my finished product, and hopefully you all can tell it was a time-intensive labor of love. Brooke wanted rainbow colors for her frosting and packaging, and she chose 6 custom messages for her vegan cookies. Best wishes to Brooke and Justin! Once I got those finished, packed, and mailed, Mom flew out here for a birthday visit (hers, not mine). We had a grand old time up in Longbeach at a giant quilt show (and I do mean giant. Pictures to come). I also wrapped up my summer term at school, which meant a flurry of homework, the final project, and, of course, the final test. I'm proud to say, the flurry paid off, and I ended up with an A. whew.

Oh yeah, and in the midst of all of that, Official Taster and I decided to move to a different (read: less expensive) apartment. So the current flurry consists of packing and Craigslist-selling.

But I missed you! So while posts may be a little sporadic, I will be trying to get recipes and other items of interest up.


  1. Glad you are back! I was beginning to worry!

  2. SO glad you are back.... we have all just been waiting. WOW... amazing wedding cookies! I just love your creativity with food. :)

  3. yea! you're back! :) (and congrats on the A - you rock!)

  4. thanks guys :) it's good to be back!

  5. Someone has lovely script handwriting - I wish I could make my hands do that!

  6. You are VERY welcome for the help! My Glamourous 4 year old and I loved the samples :)
    And....VERY sad you're moving :(


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