Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Flowers

Happy Sunday! It's been cool, rainy, and generally dreary here this weekend. However, I did have a great house guest overnight, and she was a breath of fresh air! These chrysanthemums have come back beautifully from last fall. Mums always feel like fall to me. Do you have a favorite fall flower?
I wish I could tell you the specific species of hybiscus this is, but I forgot to write it down. I can tell you it's one of the Proven Winner varieties. The petals look like butterfly wings to me.
I know you've seen some other plumeria shots already, but they're pretty, so here's another.

Have a great week!


  1. Your chrysanthemums are lovely, but I want to see a picture of the *mutant mum* you saw at Longwood last weekend. How perfect for Halloween!

  2. Believe it or not, I don't think I got a picture of that one....but I'll check for you :)


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