Monday, January 24, 2011

DIY Wedding Cakes

Martha Stewart Weddings claims these beauties are DIYable for your (or someone else's) wedding. I think that might be true if you're already artsy, crafty, bakey, etc. However, as one of the recently engaged, I'm not so sure, even though I am already artsy, crafty, bakey, and kind of an overachiever. What do you think? Is it crazy for a bride to take on her own wedding cake?


  1. Crazy...absolutely crazy...

    But, that being said, you might like a brief respite in the kitchen.

  2. i saw these in the magazine and clipped it out quick! love them all. too bad i can only chose one lol

  3. Daniel, I'm leaning towards crazy, but I have this voice in the back of my head telling me I should do it, partly just to say I did it! not good...

    Jenn- I'm too cheap to buy the magazine, but the website is great and there's always the library :) Are you going to make your own?

  4. Making your own cake sounds doable...but very involved in one single detail when you also have to keep in mind the big picture. Making a cake for someone else sounds like a great wedding present though, especially for these couples who have been living together forever and have all the necessary home items. I love the _Living_ photography but *sigh* how DYI are those projects, really?

  5. E.B.- that's a good point, and I guess the bride is supposed to get *some* sleep before the big day.

    I have heard of a wedding where several relatives/friends each made a tier of the cake, which sounds fun. So for a 5 tiered cake, one person would be assigned each layer and then they can really easily be all different flavors/dietary needs

  6. I'm all about DIY weddings but you'd have to be really talented to DIY your wedding cake! I'd say leave that one to the pros. But everything else is fair game... just be sure to look online for more tips for your wedding so you do everything the right way!


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